Two and a half years ago, I decided to locate my new design firm in Walnut Creek, because the energy is crazy great here-sooo much growth, and the location was perfect for my clients up and down the 680 and Hwy 24 corridors. It was all about the location, but I’ve come to really like this town.
So I was surprised and delighted when I received the Best of 2016 Walnut Creek Interior Design award this summer.
These are the words from the awards committee:
“We focus on companies that have demonstrated their ability to use various marketing methods to grow their business in spite of difficult economic times. The companies chosen exemplify the best of small business; often leading through customer service and community involvement.” This is really gratifying to me, because serving my clients, and supporting our neighbors in the county ( those who have been economically marginalized), are two of the most important things to me.
I am thrilled to have launched this design business that has been so well received. Thank you Walnut Creek!